Lose Weight with Weight Training : Building Muscle and Burning Fat

5 min readNov 7, 2020


The snow is gone, the winter fat is still there. Start losing weight by moving. Today: lose weight with weight training.

Lose Weight with Weight Training
Image by Fabiano Silva from Pixabay

Bodyweight And Cardio

For weight reduction, pure endurance training in the so-called fat burning area is still recommended in some places: You should run, bike, etc. for at least 20 minutes, as slowly as possible with a heart rate between 110 and 130, that was the old credo.

Today we know that fat burning during exercise is activated right at the beginning of the exercise and not after 20 minutes.

On the subject of the pulse rate: at moderate intensities, more energy is drawn from the body fat.

The bottom line is that at high intensities you have a significantly higher total consumption of energy and thus also a higher fat consumption.

To lose weight in a healthy way and maintain that weight, building muscle is just as important as regular endurance training for women as well as for men.

Important: Do predominantly complex exercises that require a high percentage of muscle mass they provide correspondingly good growth stimuli, regardless of whether you train according to the classic method or, for example, eccentrically with resistance.

Pilates, specific courses in the fitness studio or small strength acts in everyday life also make you strong.

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That is why the muscle workout is worthwhile

Strength training rejuvenates, reduces the percentage of body fat, promotes fat loss and shapes the entire musculature.

It can also be conveniently used at home or in the gym on machines and dumbbells perform and is suitable for all ages.

After just a few training units, the exercises become increasingly easier and you notice how muscles develop, how posture improves and how the body feels changes.

Plus, muscles easily justify a little more on the scales because they weigh more than fat. However, every extra kilo of muscle mass burns an additional 100 calories a day, even when you are resting.

By improving inter- and intramuscular coordination, the body is also able to move more efficiently. Trained muscles work more economically.

Pay attention to your posture

While doing the exercises, pull your shoulders down, away from your ears. The head is always located directly above the trunk as an extension of the spine.

Try to keep your pelvis in a neutral position, i.e. do not tilt back into your hollow spine. Pull your belly button inwards towards your spine, keep your knees loose.

Open your feet shoulder width apart, with the tips of your feet pointing forward. Pinch your buttocks tightly and make sure to do each exercise slowly and without momentum.

Every movement should be done consciously and correctly. Take a break if you find yourself getting messy and the exercise is becoming too strenuous.

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More weight or more reps?

If you don’t want to have big muscles, train with small weights and a lot of repetitions .

Women do not need to be afraid of the Schwarzenegger poor anyway, because a high testosterone level which women usually do not have and training with heavy weights is a prerequisite for large muscle growth.

For beginners, one round per exercise with around twelve repetitions is sufficient. Start with two 20 minute training sessions per week.

After about three months, you can and should increase the intensity to provide the muscles with a new stimulus threshold and continue to make progress.

Strength endurance and gentle muscle building

If you feel like it, follow our recommendations for beginners.

The percentages of resistance in the exercises refer to your maximum strength ability (MK).

With the workout you train strength endurance to tone the body, increase cardiovascular and fat burning and improve coordination between the different muscle groups:

  • Workouts per week: at the beginning 2, later 3 training
  • Number of exercises: 6 to 10; 1 to 2 exercises per muscle group
    Scope, intensity and duration: 15 to 25 repetitions per exercise; 30 to 50 percent MK. In each case 1 to 2, later 2 to 4 passes. 30 seconds break between rounds and after each exercise.
  • Training content: running, biking and swimming units in combination with fitness strength training: push-ups, squats, pull-ups, burpees, plank variations, plyo exercises, dips.


Beginners: two units of endurance training per week (at least 30 minutes each), on two other days bodyweight training (20 minutes). During the exercises, give full throttle for 20 to 30 seconds, then take an equally long break. Two to three sets per exercise.

Advanced: two units of endurance training per week (duration: at least 45 minutes), on three other days bodyweight training for 30 to 45 minutes. During the exercises, you give full throttle for 30 to 60 seconds, then you take a 30-second break. Three to four rounds per exercise.

A few more basic rules

Regularity: Spread the training sessions over several days, do not try to achieve everything in one day.

Increase: Beginners achieve training successes very quickly. Increase the workload with your performance.

Change the training intensity from day to day after six to eight weeks. For example, you can use Tabata workouts on one or two bodyweight days: Here you give 20 seconds of full power per exercise, the rest time between the intervals (eight per exercise) is 10 seconds.

Each exercise therefore takes a total of four minutes. Occasionally incorporate trends such as freestyle, functional training or sling training.

Take breaks: The muscle building and fat burning do not happen during training, but in the phases in between. Therefore, take a break of at least 24 hours per muscle group.

Vary: It is very important to vary the training plan in order to achieve the desired results.

Don’t just alternate between endurance and strength training, but also train the same muscle group with different machines during strength training.

First repetition, then increase intensity: In order to avoid incorrect execution and injuries, train with light weights for the time being and then increase the intensity as you become more confident.

Strength before endurance: If you want to train strength and endurance in one day, first complete the muscle workout and then train your endurance.

Big muscles first: train your big muscles first and then the smaller ones, because the bigger the muscle, the more energy is burned.

Check this how Proven helps in weight loss

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