Reversing gum disease — How to cure gum disease without a dentist?

2 min readNov 3, 2020


If you want to reverse and treat gum disease, there are a few things you need to know. I have researched for you and summarized the essentials in this article.

Reversing gum disease — that’s what counts

Before you start treating your gum disease on your own, you should be aware of the consequences.

  • Three different diseases can be the cause of gum disease: gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontosis. The difference is hardly noticeable to a layperson, but it is crucial for treatment.
  • The first two are gingivitis, which leads to receding gums. Periodontosis is a degenerative disease that does not involve inflammation. In addition, not only the gums are affected, but also the jawbone that carries the tooth.
  • The medical term for gums is gingiva. The ending “itis” always denotes inflammation. In gingivitis, the gums are inflamed and therefore recede.
  • If gingivitis is not treated in time, periodontitis can occur. Periodontitis refers to the inflammation of the entire periodontium.
  • While gingivitis is still completely reversible — the gums can completely recover and re-form after the inflammation — this is not the case with periodontitis. Here, the gum disease cannot be reversed, but at best stopped.
  • It is therefore very important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible if you have gum problems.

Check this solution that reverse your gum disease

Reto Gerber from Pixabay

Periodontitis can have health consequences

In gingivitis, the inflammation is limited to the gums. If recognized in time, it can be treated well with thorough cleaning.

  • The consequences of periodontitis go far beyond damage to the gums. The teeth sooner or later become loose and fall out. Pus pockets can also form.
  • If the periodontitis is so advanced, it has usually already left its mark on the body.
  • For example, it is known that atherosclerosis can be caused by periodontitis. Atherosclerosis, in turn, increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • In the case of periodontal disease, the gums and the jawbone recede. The teeth then no longer have a hold and fall out.
  • It is therefore of great importance not only for your dental health to have gum disease treated early. And only the dentist can do that.

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