Check these 4 types of belly fat — Get rid of them

3 min readNov 7, 2020


Types of belly fat
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

If you undergo every conceivable diet and countless exercise programs and still fail to reduce your belly fat, it is frustrating. In this case, it can help to address the cause first and only then take action. This is the only way to develop an optimal strategy for all types of belly fat.

How to Combat the Four Types of Bacon and cause of belly fat

1. Snack belly:

These are the classic bacon rolls. You sit a lot (for example at work) and are a real foodie. Sugar , carbohydrates, alcohol — these are the simple joys in life for you. Unfortunately, however, they also set in particularly quickly.

A classic change in diet helps here: Try to avoid alcohol more often , which significantly affects the metabolism, and swap sugary snacks for healthy alternatives such as fruit or homemade raw snacks. Overall, you should make sure that your meals are balanced to compensate for your lack of exercise.

Nevertheless, you can easily bring a little more exercise into your day, for example by taking the stairs more often. If your schedule allows, you should also consider yoga or Pilates classes to strengthen your core.

2. Stress stomach

Also stress ensures fast that we grow. This is not only due to irregular meal times and food cravings, but can also be caused by lack of sleep: The hormone leptin is then produced, which can negatively affect the feeling of hunger and digestion.

Make sure you try to stick to fixed bedtime. Also force yourself to take breaks every now and then: stand up, take a deep breath, stretch — that can already work wonders. If this works for you, you can go a step further and find time for your body with yoga and meditation.

With this type of belly fat, you can lose a few pounds without major dietary measures.

Check this lean body burn solution once, to get rid of belly fat

3. Hormone belly

Belly fat can also be caused by overproduction of cortisone.

In the event of an upcoming exertion, cortisone increases both sugar and fat levels in the blood to prepare you for the exertion. In the event of overproduction, however, it is often released without a specific reason. The result is that it is attached like fat — and that in the stomach area.

Overproduction of cortisone can also be caused by stress, but it often also indicates a disturbed hormonal balance. It is best to consult a doctor here.

But you can also fight high blood sugar on your own by choosing foods that do not make it rise too quickly: for example, replace wheat with whole grains.

4. Air Belly

An air belly is often only a temporary phenomenon: Due to too much air in the stomach or also heartburn, the stomach can swell so that the stomach appears bloated.

For example, this can be due to the fact that you are consuming certain foods that your body cannot process and which therefore irritate the digestive tract. Examples of this would be gluten or the consumption of dairy products if you are lactose intolerant.

You can usually have this fact tested quickly and easily by your family doctor using the exclusion procedure.

Check this lean body burn solution once, to get rid of belly fat

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